God is a Planet


I believe that our planet and all living things are connected.  Although a lot of my thinking on the subject is based on personal experience and intuition, there is a lot of scientific evidence to support this hypothesis.  Links to relevant web sites are posted at the bottom. 


Buddha said that we are all connected.  I'm not exactly sure what he meant, but nevertheless he was right.


Did you know that bacteria can communicate with each other?

Also, the genes that make a bacterium are also included in the DNA of all living things.

In essence, we are bacteria.  Its on our body, in our body and in our genes.

YouTube Video about bacteria Communication

Talk to the Trees

Trees talk to each other.  Here is a link to a short YouTube Video


We think because our brain cells communicate with each other.  However, if bacteria can communicate with each other and our brain cells have the bacteria genes, then it may be possible for bacteria to communicate with us!  Here is a link to suggest that they can:  Bacteria Talking to the Brain

Good and Evil

We know that some bacteria are good, and some are bad.  However, if bacterium genes are part of our DNA, it may be that good and evil is genetic.  I'm not saying that it is, but just that it maybe?

Adolph Hitler

It is known that this evil man had bad bacteria in his intestines.  Maybe its another coincidence, but have you ever wondered why you take an instant dislike to some people or to a particular place?  See Hitler's Doctor

Angel's Glow

During the American civil war, bacteria came to the rescue of some of the wounded soldiers.  Please watch the video:
The Strange Blue Glow That Saved Lives


It will take a lot of research by serious scientists to prove my hypotheses.  However, I am continually looking for Internet articles to add weight to my argument and I have posted links at the bottom of the page.


How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie Bassler

Hacking into the secret communication of bacteria

How glowing bacteria talk to each other

Hitler's Doctor

Can Bacteria Talk to Your Brain?

How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other

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